Smooth, Vibrant
& Unique
A proprietary blend of oils, binders, and premium pigments are used in every line of Koh-I-Noor colored pencils. The result is an ultra-smooth lead that allows for rich color and laydown without a waxy bloom or wax build up that prevents layering. We use California cedar for all of our artist-grade colored pencils. California cedar is not only a renewable resource, but is regarded as the best wood for pencils because it doesn't warp. Each core is perfectly centered in its casing for even sharpening, and glued throughout to prevent breakage. Our woodless pencils have a solid color core encased in lacquer, and offers the artist maximum color laydown. All of our pencils come pre-sharpened.
Color Range: 23 Colors + Blender Pencil
Shape: Round
Core: Multi-colored Braided Leads
A revolutionary pencil that creates extraordinary depth in colored pencil drawings. The core is made of 3 different colored leads that are braided together. Koh-I-Noor's proprietary braiding process ensures that colors alternate with minimal wrist movement. The colors chosen for each pencil are carefully selected for tonal harmonization and color combinations that are typically found in nature. The professional grade colored leads meld color as they lay down. A blender pencil can also be used to further smooth colors to create a complex appearance. Rich tonal effects can be seen in line work such as cross-hatching as well as shading in large areas.